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using the same poll multiple times 4 Chris Hajer
Issues with form not working for users in other countries (mostly from the UK) 2 Chris Hajer
Countries list source 2 Chris Hajer
drop down only 5 Chris Hajer
froms 2 row 8 Chris Hajer
copy of "drop down" 5 Edson Cruz
closed Using User Registration Dynamic Drop Downs, capture one value from multiple list 12 Chris Hajer
Gravity & WPML alphabetic sort of translated country list? 10 donaker
Modify User Notification Email Based on Dropdown Selection of Countries 4 Rob Harrell
Dynamically populate drop down with user info 5 smeyer
Why do we need to translate country names for gravityform? 6 deckerweb
closed Drop Down Form Question 4 lalomarquez
Populate Category field with country list 2 VladNov
closed Addition of Country to Dropdown 5 Carl Hancock
Default Email Address for Routing 2 Carl Hancock