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4 requests

  1. Cristian

    1. ability to choose the filed size, instead of: small, medium and large;
    2. floating tips would be great, or at least something like you guyes managed to include in the form editing panel, where one can houver the mouse over the question mark and the tooltip appears;
    3. easier css styling. Not everybody is a programmer and there are some examples out there, where you can choose owsome desings to a contact form;
    4. easier 2 (or more) column integration. It would be great to have a drag'n'drop interface, like the current one, where you coul also arrnge the fileds horrizontally, not just vertically.
    5. I'll be back with more feedback :)

    All this being said, I must admit this is an incredible plugin, very capable, user friendly and the fact that you guys keep making it better, makes me wanna say:

    Posted 15 years ago on Saturday November 28, 2009 | Permalink
  2. Cristian,
    Thanks for your feedback. We will take your requests into account for next releases.

    Posted 15 years ago on Saturday November 28, 2009 | Permalink