I'm actually a lot irritated. Hopefully you can read this with a grain of salt and laugh at it. I am. Despite being rather pissed off at you (whoever made the support forums decisions) I can also appreciate your own irritation with the futility of stopping piracy of your product. That said, I'm still pissed, so you get to read it. I at least paid for that much when I bought Gravity Forms.
I have to dig through a year plus of email just to find the purchase receipt from your company so that I can figure out what email I used and sign into a support forum in order to read the answer to a question I have. Not even a little bit cool. Just like paying for the acts of terrorists by having a wand stuck up my a$s every time I choose to fly, I now have to experience that same joy here because you don't have a better way to limit piracy of your product other than preventing paying customers from entering the support forums without being digitally violated.
Feel free to contact me at the email associated with this account. In the mean time I will waste precious minutes of my life searching year old email to find the original account I signed up with.
Maybe I'll get lucky. Maybe I'll even find I enjoy the wanding. Who knows?