Thanks for the reply!
Let me see if I correctly understand what you're saying. When the user first registers on the site they would see and have to agree to the consent form and that would give them access to the upload page. In that scenario once the user has consented once, then they would have unlimited access to the upload page, without seeing the consent form and having to agree for all of their future visits. To understand that correct?
If the details of what you propose are as I wrote above that would not work for me.
Sorry if I wasn't specific enough before but let me give it another shot now. What I need is something that the user would have to consent to each time they want to upload content. The consent form on which they would have to agree would need fillable fields into which the user would enter pertinent personal information, as well as specific details about the content they are uploading. The idea is we need to grab a consent form for each upload.
So what I'm envisioning is a page that the user would be taken to when they click on the link on the site to upload content and that page would be one of your forms done up as the consent form which when completed would get saved on site and also e-mailed to the manager of the project each time an upload is performed. The successful completion of the consent form would take the user to the page where they can actually perform the upload.
Does this sound doable?
Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday May 22, 2012 |