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Ability to integrate with pre-existing php form

  1. Currently the site is set up where the customer fills out a registration form that is then sent to the customer and the client. Once that is complete they are sent to the payment form. I need to know if we can integrate the registration form with the payment form that you offer. We would be purchasing the developer version. The site is

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday December 6, 2012 | Permalink
  2. David Peralty

    I guess I would need to know what kind of integration you are talking about. Gravity Forms can allow you to send data to its form using query strings to automatically pre-populate fields in a Gravity Forms form, or use gform_pre_render hook to push data from a session variable into fields before the form loads.

    All my best!

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday December 6, 2012 | Permalink