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Add alternative to {all_fields} that hides Admin Only Fields

  1. swbiggart


    So when I was playing with the user notification settings, I noticed that the all_fields tag includes Admin Only fields. I was surprised by this because the drop down menu to input the all_fields tags uses the label 'All Submitted Fields.' Since admin only fields cannot be submitted by the user, this has a misleading output.

    Now, I appreciate the importance of having a tag that outputs admin only fields, but it would be nice to have a shortcut tag that hid the ones I have described.

    Let me know what you think! Thanks


    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday January 18, 2011 | Permalink
  2. We will look into adding this so that Admin Only fields are hidden. It does make sense, oddly enough it has not come up before. But we will look into expanding this functionality in a future release so there are a few different variations of the All Fields merge code that can be used.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday January 18, 2011 | Permalink