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Add Groups Based On Dynamic Field Population

  1. Hello folks! I'm really excited about the new "Groups" feature in the MailChimp add-on and looking forward to putting it to work. So, here's my challenge:

    I have a list of 90 or so organizations. My goal is to have a single gravity form visible on the profile page of each organization which takes the visitor's name and email and subscribes them to a general mailing list and adds them in a "group" for particular organization in that particular mailing list.

    Now, the ideal here is this:

    1. I added an admin only field for the organization name (organization_name).
    2. I populate that field dynamically via filter with the name of the organization, drawn from the $post object.
    3. On form submission, Gravity Form takes the organization_field and passes it on to MailChimp as a group within one of the "Groups" I've defined. Example: in mailchimp, I create a group called "Organization Name" and I pre-populate it with just one of the names or a placeholder.
    4. If the group name exists, good, Gravity Forms finishes up. If the group doesn't exist, Gravity Form creates it (API 1.3: listInterestGroupAdd?).

    I've finished up 1 and 2 without trouble. The trouble I'm hitting is that Gravity Forms is requiring me to match up group names in Gravity Forms with a corresponding field in the form itself. I think what I'm looking for is an option to allow a group to be "Populated Dynamically". Otherwise, I think I'm stuck having to do double-entry on Gravity Forms _and_ on MailChimp each time a new organization is added.

    Thank you in advance for your thoughts and recommendations!

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday January 23, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Hi Jonathan,

    The MailChimp Add-on does not currently support adding groups dynamically. It would be feasible to achieve; however, it would require a solid foundation in PHP. If you're interested in pursuing a custom solution, I'd be happy to give you some tips.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday February 2, 2012 | Permalink