Dang. I just found out about this plugin, and went right to this question. Would solve so many issues if this was possible. Just to be sure I'm looking for the same feature as coreycauble, let me re-ask it this way.
I want to use Gravity Forms to allow my unregistered public users to add information about stuff. On my submission form, I keep it basic. The post title followed by Label / Value information for describing an item. Finally a human checker / Capcha before the submit button. For example, WEIGHT is a Label and 27lbs. is a Value.
For my application, adding new Label / Value text fields would work. I noticed in your Demo that I could add a Custom Field under Post fields. That functionality would be perfect in the front end, beacause I have the same 2 fields duplicating over and over.
You are basically doing it in the dashboard. When I click Custom Field twice, this code gets added to the html:
<li class="selectable gfield" id="field_9">
<a onclick="DisplayAlert();" href="javascript:void(0);" title="click to delete this field" id="gfield_delete_0" class="field_delete_icon">Delete</a>
<a title="click to edit this field" href="javascript:void(0);" class="field_edit_icon edit_icon_collapsed">Edit</a>
<label for="input_9" class="gfield_label">Post Custom Field<span class="gfield_required"></span></label>
<div class="ginput_container">
<input type="text" disabled="disabled" tabindex="1" class="medium" value="" id="input_9" name="input_9">
<div class="gfield_description"></div>
<li class="selectable gfield" id="field_10">
<a onclick="DisplayAlert();" href="javascript:void(0);" title="click to delete this field" id="gfield_delete_0" class="field_delete_icon">Delete</a>
<a title="click to edit this field" href="javascript:void(0);" class="field_edit_icon edit_icon_collapsed">Edit</a>
<label for="input_10" class="gfield_label">Post Custom Field<span class="gfield_required"></span></label>
<div class="ginput_container">
<input type="text" disabled="disabled" tabindex="1" class="medium" value="" id="input_10" name="input_10">
<div class="gfield_description"></div>
Then I hit Update Form and all that gets added to the database by the magic of tiny NInjas or however you're doing it. All I know is that is pretty cool.
So, on the public side, if the Custom Field button could be the "Add New Label" button, and add this code to my html...
<li class="gfield" id="field_8_1">
<div id="input_8_1" class="ginput_complex ginput_container">
<span class="ginput_left" id="input_8_1_3_container">
<input type="text" tabindex="1" value="" id="input_8_1.3" name="input_1.3">
<span class="ginput_right" id="input_8_1_6_container">
<input type="text" tabindex="2" value="" id="input_8_1.6" name="input_1.6">
then pressing it again would add this...
<li class="gfield" id="field_8_2">
<div id="input_8_2" class="ginput_complex ginput_container">
<span class="ginput_left" id="input_8_2_3_container">
<input type="text" tabindex="3" value="" id="input_8_2.3" name="input_2.3">
<span class="ginput_right" id="input_8_1_6_container">
<input type="text" tabindex="4" value="" id="input_8_2.6" name="input_2.6">
and the Update Form button could be the "Submit Post" button and do all the magic your backend form is doing, wow. That would be awesome.
I mean it's awesome now, but that would make it ...awesome..er.
Posted 14 years ago on Friday December 17, 2010 |