Just wonder if someone could help me on how I would create a color picker that can be added to a form...
Just wonder if someone could help me on how I would create a color picker that can be added to a form...
Currently there isn't a color picker field, but that is a great idea for a custom field. I'll talk to the guys and we can see what we can do to add a new field type that is a color picker. Great idea.
OK what about adding TinyMCE to a field type ? Or is that going over board?
It's already possible to integrate a CKEditor with a field for rich text editing. See this thread for details:
Carl, was this ever integrated? This would be a huge help for any creatives using gravity forms.
No, this wasn't integrated as of yet. It is still on our development board, but features like logging, polls, Paypal Pro and other updates and add-ons have taken priority.
Moved to feature requests. @cohesiveideas, I believe David has addressed your question in the other topic, and we'll continue the support there. Thank you.