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Adding form elements

  1. Hi guys

    I've recently created a monster form and I'd like to point out a few observations when working on larger (longer) forms

    * when i need to add a new form element near the top of the form, its quite a pain to have the new element drop at the bottom of the form, and then have to drag it up 3 or 4 page lengths to the top of the form. it would be easier if i could drag out an element from the floating options on the right, and drop it in the form where i need it.

    * the floating options box: the sliding animation when scrolling up & down is pretty, but it makes for a somewhat jarring user experience. when near the bottom of the page and deleting/reordering form fields, the page shakes & shudders as the floating box catches up with the altering height of the page. perhaps if this animation was changed to just a fixed position, it'd remove this issue.. perhaps even hiding this option box woudl be helpful - much like the "screen options" tab is hidden until clicked on...

    * when i hover over an existing field element, there's options to 'close' and 'delete'. it would be nice to add 'duplicate' so that creating new elements can be done quicker

    Just a couple thoughts :)

    Thanks much

    Posted 15 years ago on Thursday February 11, 2010 | Permalink
  2. Mark,

    Thanks for the suggestions. We do have some additional UI improvements planned for future releases.

    The options box "floating" functionality wasn't really added to be pretty, but to simply keep the panel handy when working with longer forms. It does kind of choke a bit when deleting elements on long forms - trying to reposition itself after the window height has changed suddenly. There is definitely room for improvement and we're working on it.

    Keep the ideas coming, we appreciate them.

    Posted 15 years ago on Thursday February 11, 2010 | Permalink
  3. swbiggart

    Any update on this gentleman's feature requests? I am also working with large forms and having the elements show up at the bottom is a real pain. Even if we didn't have the ability to "drag" them from the floating panel, if they were inserted below or above the currently selected element, they would be closer to where we would want them.

    Also, it shows the user that in fact an element has been added. There have been times (not that its a big deal) that I've hit the add element button multiple times, creating multiple elements without meaning to.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday January 11, 2011 | Permalink
  4. Nothing new in this version as far as how fields are inserted/positioned. It's still on the agenda for a future update.

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday January 12, 2011 | Permalink