Hi guys
I've recently created a monster form and I'd like to point out a few observations when working on larger (longer) forms
* when i need to add a new form element near the top of the form, its quite a pain to have the new element drop at the bottom of the form, and then have to drag it up 3 or 4 page lengths to the top of the form. it would be easier if i could drag out an element from the floating options on the right, and drop it in the form where i need it.
* the floating options box: the sliding animation when scrolling up & down is pretty, but it makes for a somewhat jarring user experience. when near the bottom of the page and deleting/reordering form fields, the page shakes & shudders as the floating box catches up with the altering height of the page. perhaps if this animation was changed to just a fixed position, it'd remove this issue.. perhaps even hiding this option box woudl be helpful - much like the "screen options" tab is hidden until clicked on...
* when i hover over an existing field element, there's options to 'close' and 'delete'. it would be nice to add 'duplicate' so that creating new elements can be done quicker
Just a couple thoughts :)
Thanks much