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Authorization code passed to email

  1. Is there any way that the Auth Net authorization code can be passed to the email? Most people that make a payment online expect some sort of confirmation code. Sending an email with the information only doesn't make people feel comfortable that the transaction has actually been processed. In addition, it would help accounting departments reconcile and match transactions.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday January 4, 2013 | Permalink
  2. I will ask the development team for their feedback on this.

    Does the setting "Send Authorize.Net email receipt." not accomplish what you want? It's a setting on the feed for your form.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday January 7, 2013 | Permalink
  3. That will most definitely achieve the goal of letting them know that the transaction was successful but if you have additional fields that aren't passed to then those fields will be excluded from the email.

    So your solution would solve the issue that I described, but I didn't make myself clear in that I wanted the email to be sent from GF with all included fields plus the transaction number. I know that the number is passed back when confirmation of the transaction occurs. It's just a matter of creating a hidden field that will populate it in the email.


    Posted 12 years ago on Monday January 7, 2013 | Permalink
  4. After talking with the development team, I think we have a solution for you. You will need a new version of the add-on. Please email me at and reference this topic, and I will send you the latest development version (1.3.1).

    With that installed, you can do the following:

    1. Create a custom merge tag to return the transaction id ( add this code to your theme's functions.php file ):
      add_filter('gform_replace_merge_tags', 'replace_transaction_id', 10, 7);
      function replace_transaction_id($text, $form, $entry, $url_encode, $esc_html, $nl2br, $format) {
        $custom_merge_tag = '{transaction_id}';
        if(strpos($text, $custom_merge_tag) === false)
          return $text;
        $transaction_id = GFAuthorizeNet::$transaction_response["transaction_id"];
        $text = str_replace($custom_merge_tag, $transaction_id, $text);
        return $text;
    2. Add the merge tag to your confirmation emails ( from the above code, {transaction_id} )

    Do you need any help configuring that custom merge tag?

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 8, 2013 | Permalink
  5. dennismueller

    thanks for the explanation. i got version 1.3.1 now. I would also need to insert the Paymentdate. How do i need to adjust the examplecode from here to also get this working as a mergetag?

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday January 30, 2013 | Permalink
  6. How is the payment date different than the date submitted or today's date? And you want to include the payment date in the confirmation email; is that correct?

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday January 30, 2013 | Permalink
  7. dennismueller

    sure youre right. just wanted to use the correct field in the email. i will use submission date for now.

    would it be easy to get the payment status as a merge field?

    yes for a confirmation. but not for the customer, its internally.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday January 30, 2013 | Permalink
  8. It looks like you can get the payment status in the same manner. Here is an example from one of my transactions:

    [response_reason_text] => This transaction has been declined.
    [authorization_code] => EY4H99

    And another:

    [response_reason_text] => This transaction has been approved.
    [authorization_code] => JHTAOH

    In this code example you would replace {transaction_id} with {response_reason_text} and use the exact same approach.

    Does that work for you?

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 31, 2013 | Permalink
  9. dennismueller

    hi chris,

    as a basic test i updated the plugin to version 1.3.1 and inserted the mentioned code in my functions php. but when i got a entry and resend the notification to test it, the transaction id stays empty (when i view it in the backend it has a transaction id. does this only work for new entries? i got wordpress 3.5, do i maybe need 3.5.1?

    thanks for the help

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 31, 2013 | Permalink
  10. You do not need WordPress 3.5.1. That is a bug-fix and security release: no new functionality.

    Try with a new entry rather than resending a notification. I suspect it should work with existing entries, but it doesn't hurt to try.

    If it does not work, please share all the code you are using at or and we will see if there is anything obviously incorrect.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday February 1, 2013 | Permalink
  11. I have a similar situation. I need to pick up the following pieces of information from after the transaction is successful and post them to a separate table in the context of the gform_after_submission hook.


    I have picked up the field entries and dumped them all in a completely separate table. I just can't seem to pick up the response data from so that I can put it into the table.


    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday February 7, 2013 | Permalink
  12. What code are you using to do this currently? Please use or to share your code.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday February 8, 2013 | Permalink
  13. I put a pro ticket in. Please contact me via the ticket. I will post the solution here at the end.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday February 8, 2013 | Permalink
  14. I was trying to get the payment status by using the suggested approach above of changing {transaction_id} to {response_reason_text}, but it seems like the GFAuthorizeNet::$transaction_response is only an array of 4 values which don't include response_reason_text. Am I missing something?

    Here is the array for GFAuthorizeNet::$transaction_response that I am recieving:

    array(4) { ["transaction_id"]=> string(10) "2183786758" ["amount"]=> string(5) "10.10" ["transaction_type"]=> int(1) ["invoice_number"]=> string(13) "51153a1ebc33e" }

    Is the response from different between a test account and a prod account?


    Posted 11 years ago on Friday February 8, 2013 | Permalink
  15. Chris, please continue with the priority support ticket.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday February 8, 2013 | Permalink
  16. When will 1.3.1 be released? ( I see this thread is several months old, but 1.3 is still the current release)

    I just modified my version of 1.3 to allow me to get the transaction_id (based on the clues above), but it seems like a pretty big oversight that it is not set in the $entry passed to the after_submit hook? An official fix would be great to see!

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday April 22, 2013 | Permalink
  17. Is there anyone still connected to this post that could forward me a copy of the 1.3.1 plugin? I've entered a ticket, but I'm trying to get this same issue worked out over the weekend.

    I'm using the confirmation and notification areas to generate a receipt after successful payment through the plugin, but—like you all—was surprised to discover that we're not given access to any merge tags to insert the transaction ID into the messages.


    Posted 11 years ago on Saturday May 4, 2013 | Permalink
  18. Wes, I sent you the latest version, did I not? If not, please send an email to - thanks.

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday May 6, 2013 | Permalink