I'm trying to interface an order form created with Gravity forms to eProcessing Network's using their authorize.net emulation. Basically all you have to do is change the LIVE_URL from Authorize.net's (https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll) to EProcessing Network's URL (https://www.eProcessingNetwork.Com/cgi-bin/an/transact.pl).
I did this and ran a live transaction. The transaction and data was sent to eProcessingNetwork fine and they sent a response back. According to the transaction log, the response looked fine. But in the log file, I see an error message "Unrecognized response from AuthorizeNet". on the order page, I just get an error that there was a problem with the credit card. But thats a misleading error because the transaction processed fine AND the response showed approval.
Sorry for the technical descriptions, but I was hoping someone else on the forum may have had luck with eProcessing Network's emulation. I really need to find a resolution soon. Thanks for any input.