Carl's recent blogpost "Clearing Default Field Values with jQuery" gave us a pretty quick and easy way to enable Gravity Forms to flush pre-populated default field entries.
BUT, as is pointed out:
"Something to Consider: Please be aware that if you're using default values on fields you've defined as required, they will validate even if the user doesn't not populate them or change their value. This is due to the fact that the default value will be submitted as the form field value if they are not changed by the user."
Obviously, when checking for user entry error Gravity Forms is just checking whether there is any "data" in the field blank. Couldn't it be that a slightly more complex check could be made -- whereby Gravity Forms would compare the submitted field contents to the default -- if what was being submitted was the same as the pre-populated default (ie. the user had not entered anything in that field) Gravity Forms would respond the same as if the field were blank -- generating an error message, etc. ??