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Automatic versus manual upgrade

  1. RichardBest

    Hi there - I'm keen to upgrade from the original version of GF I purchased to the latest but the automatic upgrade link doesn't work. It says I need to register. Where does one register? I've already purchased GF and I've registered for these forums but don't see any other registration link.

    If I upgrade manually, will overwriting the entire plugin folder do any damage (e.g., wipe) existing forms I've created?

    Many thanks

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday October 9, 2009 | Permalink
  2. Richard,

    copy the license number from the email you received when you purchased Gravity Forms, go into the WP admin and then to the forms settings page. Enter your license key at the top of the settings page and save the settings. Once you've done that, you should see the automatic upgrade option in the plugins panel.

    If you choose to upgrade manually, you can overwrite the plugin folder without losing any of your forms. However, If you've done any custom styling in the default CSS file, you'll want to be sure and back that up before upgrading manually or automatically as the changes will be overwritten.

    Posted 15 years ago on Saturday October 10, 2009 | Permalink
  3. See Kevin's post above as to where you enter your license key to register the plugin.

    As Kevin mentioned, I highly recommend not making any changes to the CSS file that is included with the plugin. Use CSS inheritance and put changes in your themes stylesheet instead.

    Automatic Upgrades always overwrite the existing plugin files, including the CSS file that is included with the plugin. Any style changes should be housed with your theme.

    Just like the core WordPress files, you shouldn't make any changes to to the files that come with the plugin.

    Posted 15 years ago on Saturday October 10, 2009 | Permalink