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Aweber Not Receiving Entries when Gravity Form Checkbox is Checked. How to fix?

  1. awarner20

    ***Update*** The sending problem seems to not be an issue. It looks like there was a pretty long delay in emails being sent (over 60 mins).

    My question below about Aweber form creation and phone number/checkbox fields still applies below though.

    Hi all,

    I have created a simple form with a Name, Email, Phone Number and Checkbox field (please call me about your product).

    I have attached this form to Aweber and matched the "Email Address" and "Full Name" fields. There was no option to match the Phone Number or Checkbox fields.

    When I submit the form without checking the checkbox or entering anything in the phone number field, the form submits as expected and I receive the confirmation email from Aweber.

    When I submit the form and DO check the checkbox and fill out the phone number field, the form DOES NOT submit as expected and I DO NOT RECEIVE the confirmation email from Aweber. Also, the email used when this happens gets added to my Aweber list even though I have Opt-in Required set on my Aweber form.

    These emails are also added to the Entries list in the GF backend, but I do not receive the standard GF admin form entry notifications on either of the two processes above.

    Am I missing a step here? Do I need to take the additional step of actually creating a "Web Form" in Aweber and adding a Phone Number and Checkbox field? And if so, then should these fields show up to be matched in the GF/Aweber integration area?

    Any confirmation of the correct process would be greatly appreciated.

    p.s. The form is here (feel free to submit a test email if you like)

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday August 21, 2012 | Permalink
  2. @awarner20, are all your issues resolved or do you still need help with something? I can't tell after you posted your "update". Thank you.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday August 22, 2012 | Permalink