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  1. joeynegros


    is it possible to add the following (specifically to the back end).
    - Credit card details
    - additional form areas filled out by the admin/ not visible to the front end user
    - make it a little more like a CRM?
    - referrer info display
    - lets say have have 5 different statuses for a lead. 1) initial 2) call back 3) in progress 4) unknown 5) Completed - how can i manage or work with these on the back end?> Is it even possible?

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday August 30, 2011 | Permalink
  2. You can have as many "admin only" fields as you want. These fields are not visible to the person submitting the form. You can have as many as you want for Administrators to use.

    • YES: Credit card details (that's up to you, but yes, you can store this with your form.)
    • YES: Additional form areas (these are marked "admin only" in the form)
    • YES: referer is captured by the form and can be displayed
    • YES: statuses can be tracked.

    It's all possible. Sounds like you will just add a lot of "admin only" fields to the form, which will not be visible on the front end, and can be accessed in the back end to record whatever sort of information you want to store.

    Regarding "a little more like a CRM" I have no idea. Not sure what that means to you. After you make your purchase, maybe you have some specific suggestions that we can help you with.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday August 30, 2011 | Permalink
  3. joeynegros

    can you explain how statuses can be tracked? And can an admin just search the form entries for specific statuses?


    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday August 30, 2011 | Permalink
  4. You would add an "admin only" form field to your form, a drop down listing your 5 statuses maybe. Administrators will have access to that drop down menu to maintain the status of an entry (lead).

    Yes you can search entries and you can also sort by column headings by just clicking on them. So you can sort by status and see all of a certain status grouped together.

    It all works exactly as you would expect.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday August 30, 2011 | Permalink