I find the back end of Gravity Forms somewhat wanting when forms grow to large sizes. There is no means for any kind of overview, therefore I would like to request the following features:
- Nesting forms within forms. This way, repetitive parts of forms could be entered as one-line entries, improving overall view and maintainability.
- collapsing part of a form/collapsing fields. If you could collapse fields or several fields at the same time (purely a view item, comparable to collapsing code in Dreamweaver), you could more easily drag copied fields to places much lower in the form. This is very cumbersome right now.
- single line display (one line per field entry, title only). Also for overview improvement. This way, you could have a large form displayed on one screen and you know much better where you are.
- select/copy/paste multiple fields simultaneously. I often need to repeat a number of fields, allowing for multiple entries of a group of fields. It would be very handy if you could select, copy and paste multiple fields at the same time, saving a lot of time in copying, dragging and dropping.