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Basic questions re: Mailchimp and WordPress integration

  1. 1) I can have my form populate MC groups, not just MC lists, can't I? I had assumed so, but saw another thread that I thought suggested otherwise (it's more likely I just didn't understand the question).

    2) more importantly, I need to know how MCs "updating preferences" would work with this form. Which is to say, if a user who wants to change their selections clicks "update my preferences' in MC, can I send them back to this form (and if so, how can I pass their existing settings back to pre-populate the form with them)?


    Posted 11 years ago on Monday December 17, 2012 | Permalink
  2. 1) You can populate groups. When you map the form to your Mailchimp account, Gravity Forms will pull down a list of groups and lists.

    2) I'm not sure how to add an action like that after they update their preferences at Mailchimp. You could provide a link to your form and pass query string parameters to it, which would pre-populate fields, but I'm not sure how you would present that link to the visitor at the Mailchimp site. Additionally, I'm not sure you would want to since the change would be made at Mailchimp, but then you are sending them back to your form which would subscribe them to Mailchimp again?

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday December 20, 2012 | Permalink