Hello. This post on the WP Forums should explain what I'd like to see http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-events-manager-datepicker-css-clashing-with-gravity-forms-or-vice-versa?replies=1#post-2884545
Thanks. Gavin.
Hello. This post on the WP Forums should explain what I'd like to see http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-events-manager-datepicker-css-clashing-with-gravity-forms-or-vice-versa?replies=1#post-2884545
Thanks. Gavin.
Just a thought - one responder to the above post said something about Events Manager using wordpress native jquery-ui-datepicker, whilst gravity forms uses it's own. Not only is this problematic re: css and design consistency, but I've found a couple paid-for plugins I use where the GF datepicker doesn't even load, whereas the Events Manager on does. I'm assuming there's a reason why GF uses it's own, but I was thinking that maybe other plugin authors might be working to the wordpress rather than GF.