I set up a custom Registration form using Gravity Forms.
The WP user was created, and the BP user meta was populated perfectly.
An email was sent out to the user as expected, but the email only contained Username, Password, and a link back to wp-login. There was no link to, or mention of a BuddyPress activation key in the email.
Logging the user on worked just fine, and it seems that the user has the correct role, and has the correct access on the site.
I assume that the BuddyPress activation process was bypassed by using Gravity Forms?
I would prefer to have activation as an extra measure to prevent bogus registration.
I know that the User Registration add-on doesn't currently support the BP activation (but it is hopefully on the list to add in a future GF release).
What I am hoping is that someone could help me with a temporary workaround until the User Registration add-on is updated to include BP activation?
BuddyPress 1.5 is getting a LOT of attention since it has addressed many past issues, and it will be heavily used in the future. Having this work with GF is the right move.