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can gravity forms do the following:

  1. I need to do the following for my insurance site:
    1. client fills out specific forms and receives an email confirmation as well as admin that a new form is submitted
    2. admin review form and has access to several fields on form ONLY available to admin - once admin changes fields, we can email back the client with another form/letter with specific fields
    3. admin only has ability to fillout form for client with specific admin only fields
    4. are the forms linked to a client? meaning if i look up a client, will it show the forms they have filled out?


    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday November 23, 2011 | Permalink
  2. 1. Yes

    2. Yes, admin only fields are included. However, a new email will not be sent from Gravity Forms when you make a change.

    3. You could do this a couple different ways. You could use a new form and have it protected for admin only. But then you would have entries for two different forms which is probably not ideal. You could always fill out the same client-specific form, then use the admin only fields in the back end to add the admin only data. I'm not sure how you could do it on the front end.

    4. No. Form submissions are not linked to users or clients at all.

    It sounds like Gravity Forms might be able to help you, but out of the box, it's not going to do all this for you. #4 would be the hardest to accomplish as it's not built in in any fashion. You could query the entries for forms filled out by a specific client, but it would not be built in and would require some custom code to pull it off.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday November 24, 2011 | Permalink