Hello, I'm planning to have Gravity forms in my site. It is a fitness center website. I need to collect my clients data. I would need to have one basic form linked to Mailchimp, for example, for people interested in receiving news, offers,.... And then I would need a more advance form with more fields for people who are enrolling the center. This form should be only accesible by staff in order to complete it. Then this advance form data should go also to Mailchimp (or aWeber or whatever) into another group to send different emails.
I would need to have a membership plugin also so only payed clients can access certain parts of the site.
The thing is I don't know how to merge all this stuff. I'm really lost. Where does Gravity forms store the data it collects? Would I be able to use say Wishlist Members and Mailchimp with Gravity Forms?
Is there an easy way to accomplish this?
Any help would be deeply appreciated. Thank you so much.