Gravity Forms doesn't currently have conditional confirmation redirects as a feature. It is a feature we do plan on adding.
It is possible to this by creating a custom redirect page that your form redirects to. You would create a PHP page that acts as your custom redirector, set your form up to redirect to this page and pass the form field value you want to redirect based on, and then write code in your custom redirector to redirect to the appropriate location based on the form field value that is passed. This is possible using the built in custom redirect functionality. It's a customization so you would have to write the code to do the actual redirect but Gravity Forms can redirect to your custom page and pass the form field value if you tell it to using the Confirmation settings in the form builder.
If you are doing a redirect based on a user selection I would suggest using a drop down and not checkboxes. Otherwise if you use checkboxes, they are multi-select so how would you know where the redirect is supposed to go as a redirect would be a one to one relationship?
Posted 14 years ago on Monday July 5, 2010 |