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Can I possibly get the following function working by purchasing Pro

  1. jeztechs

    I am developing a Wordpress site for a client and have added a simple plugin which shows a buy now/add to cart button...the user clicks on it and it populates the right hand widget area where the user can checkout straight to PayPal...this was originally all the client wanted.

    Here is the page in question:

    Now he needs the following functionality which is pretty well explained in his own words:

    1. purchaser selects the flight plus any options and hits “buy now”
    2. prompt “Do you require a Gift Certificate or are you purchasing this flight for yourself?” (options “Yes please, I require a Gift Certificate” or “No thank you, I’m buying for myself”).
    3. if the purchaser selects “No” then go direct to the check-out and payment process (assuming min required fields are: name, mobile phone, email address, and postal address?). BUT:
    4. if the purchaser selects “ Yes” then have additional required fields for (a) “Enter the name you want to be shown on the Gift Certificate, their mobile phone # and their Email address OR (b) “Leave Blank (I will add a name later)”. If (b) flag for our records as “open Gift Certificate required” then go to the check out process.

    Many thanks in advance

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday November 23, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Hi Jeremy. I missed your topic the first time around.

    I think you will be able to use the Conditional Logic feature in Gravity Forms to accomplish what you want. The conditional logic comes in step two, with your question about the gift certificate. If no, continue to check out. No problem there.

    If yes, show more fields for input, and THEN go to check out.

    I'm not sure about the sidebar widget that you have set up, but logically, you can do what you want, I believe using conditional logic. Please ask if you have any more questions. Thank you.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday December 2, 2011 | Permalink