I'm a WP Developer building a series of Wordpress web sites for a development partner that's providing systems and programs in instructional design, professional development, and leadership training, for a series of executive training events for their end-clients. There's a large volume of learning content that we attach to each of these WP sites. Plus, there's a significant amount of new content, or content updates, added to the Wordpress sites during the training events.
So far, I've been the primary content manager, as we build these, and during the events. What I NEED is a better way to enable the people at the development partner (who are somewhat technically savvy) as well as their end clients (who are not very technically savvy) to easily enter and update content.
I've tried simply pointing them to the Wordpress Edit Page template, in the HTML view, with CSS tags and HTML comments saying, "paste the filename here" and instructions on where to ftp the file. They mostly screw that up...
I've also played around with WP Custom Fields, to create simple forms so they can just upload files, enter field names, upload images, etc. and then I have those mapped to my CSS/HTML. That seems like the best way so far, but it's a lot of work, and needs to be customized constantly for each end client.