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Can You Launch A Multiple Step Autoresponder For Prospects Who Fill Out The Form

  1. calvincurry

    I would like to get the developer license but I have a question before I do. I reviewed your demo and features and see that you can send a single email out to a prospect after they fill out the form. However I did not see where you could add more than one email step to be sent to the prospect.

    Is there any way to setup a multiple step follow up campaign to a prospect after they come in? For example send email #1 right away, a second email 1 day later etc.?

    If this cannot be done could I have my programmer go in and modify the system to do that or use another plugin to get the system to do this or do you guys ever plan on making this function available? Please let me know.


    Posted 15 years ago on Tuesday December 22, 2009 | Permalink
  2. Hello Calvin, this is not currently possible as a feature. I'm sure this could be accomplished if a programmer knows what he is doing but I would suggest creating another plugin that queries the Gravity Forms tables as needed instead of modifying the Gravity Forms plugin itself.

    While Gravity Forms does send emails, they are designed to be notification emails as a result of a form action rather than use as an email campaign tool. You might want to look at something like AWeber which allows you to do timed campaigns such as this.

    We are working on an add-on for Gravity Forms that will make it easy to integrate with MailChimp and CampaignMonitor. We will be adding AWeber integration down the road also.

    Posted 15 years ago on Tuesday December 22, 2009 | Permalink