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Can you pass the form name to MailChimp?

  1. We have a main MailChimp list that is fed to by many forms, but when looking at the list, we'd like to know which form each entry came from. Is there a way to pass the form name into the MailChimp list?

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday November 18, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Currently there is not, oddly enough. But it's a good idea. We are getting ready to begin a development cycle on the MailChimp Add-On and I will include this capability in that development cycle.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday November 18, 2011 | Permalink
  3. As a work-around, you can add a field to your Mailchimp list data and call it something like "sign-up location," and then for each Gravity form, just add a hidden field that's pre-populated with the name of the form you're using.

    Actually, I'm not sure how GF would achieve this by itself *without* you having to add a piece of list data to capture it with.

    Unless I misunderstand the question, this is really easy to do and I have it working on a few forms right now.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday December 6, 2011 | Permalink
  4. tylertervooren - I'm going to try to ask this question without it being confusing, so please bare with me.

    I was thinking of doing this myself(using a hidden field), but realized that someone might sign up or fill out one or more of my forms.

    How do you handle this?

    Let's say I set up a field on MailChimp named Gravity Form and then a hidden field on each of my Gravity Forms that will append to that field. If someone signs up on form a, FORM-A is sent to Mailchimp and populates the Gravity Form field, but what if they then sign up on form b, FORM B gets sent to Mailchimp and populates the Gravity Form field, do you know if the form b information overwrites the form a info?

    Or do you set up a new MailChimp field for EACH form you have?


    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday January 11, 2012 | Permalink
  5. Kim,

    The situation you describe can't happen because you can't populate an MC list with more than one entry per person. So, the same person can't sign up to the same list twice.

    Wherever they sign up first is what MC will report and all future attempts to sign up to the same list will result in no data being passed to MC because the API will reject it when the email already exists in the list.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday January 12, 2012 | Permalink