Can I create a user login form that will be embedded on a styled page that can replace my standard wordpress user login?
Can I create a user login form that will be embedded on a styled page that can replace my standard wordpress user login?
Wordpress has done that for you: have a look at the core function wp_login_form( $args );
I need this, too! I'm new to all this.. Can you explain a little more how I can replace the standard login page with a gravity form.
Actually I believe it can be done, but it's actually a developer addon -> see addons.
I have the User Registration add-on and it works perfectly. I would just like to know how to use that form for the login page instead of the default/normal login page.
Gravity Forms can't currently replace the login form out of the box. We do plan on enhancing the User Registration Add-On in the future to enable functionality such as this.
Was just about to open up a new thread about this before it suggested this post :) I would also like to have the ability to use a Gravity form on a page to bypass the wp-admin page.
Ditto. Came to this thread as I was getting ready to ask for the same. Would love to be able to put the GF registration on the same page that my reader needs it. I'm using user to manage who downloads.
This is a feature we plan on adding in the next feature release of the User Registration Add-On. It's a little more complex than just telling WordPress to use Gravity Forms because Gravity Forms only exists when you embed them on a page or post so Gravity Forms has to tell WordPress which page or post needs to be used, which means you need to tell Gravity Forms which page or post to use. We will be adding this option in the next feature release and will allow you to pick what page WordPress should use.
Just because I'm a nerd, I'm voting for this too :) (And I know you're planning to implement it, but.... you know. ::nudge nudge::)
Adding my support to this request
This support is present in the current release of the user registration add-on. On the User Registration add-on settings page, there is a check box to "Enable Custom Registration Page", then you will see a drop down to select which WordPress page your Gravity Form is embedded in. That will replace the default WordPress registration function.
sorry for the dummy proof question.... So I have to:
1) create a registration form first
- with whatever fields I need?
2) put it in a page
3) enable custom registration and point it to that page
4) done
espimedia: yes, exactly. Your explanation is very good.
Ok, good. Now how would I make it so this form doesn't show if a user is already log in and instead a login form?
Do you mean, if the user is logged in, the link to the page where the form exists should be hidden in the page list or navigation?
To clarify...
any user should see a form to login/register (would this be two forms?)
Once login however users should not see the either form or links
Hmm have also just worked out that the user registration add on does not actually allow one to add fields to the user registration screen. (funny that). Would be good if the features/documentation were clearer on this.
This should not be too hard to achieve:
If one can have a form appear in a shortcode, then certainly one could have that same form added to the register screen.
There is an action : 'register_form' to which one would hook the form.
Then one could hook the validation into the filter 'registration_errors'.
Now to be clear if one goes with how gravity does it, then I gather one has to use a separate page. Then the question is how does one prevent people using normal registration link ? eg off the login screen ? Is it as simple as disabling wordpress registration in the settings, and allowing the gravity form to totally control registration ?
@anmari The User Registration Add-On has an option to override the register link in WordPress so it redirects to the page containing your custom registration form created with Gravity Forms.
It's a setting found in the main Settings page for the User Registration Add-On. You get to it by going to Settings under Forms, and then choose User Registration.
See this screenshot:
When you enable it you then select the page you have embedded your Gravity Form on and then when the user tries to register on your site via the Register link in WordPress they get redirected here to do so.
Thank You for your patient reply!
Just goes to show we all need someone to point out the obvious sometime. Would you believe I did click all over looking for something, but tired and in a hurry and missed that extra tab.
Glad you were able to find that. Thanks for the update.