I realise this has been discussed extensively, and I've read all forum posts I could find regarding this - however ...
I understand the issue of PHP uploader not knowing filesize until it's uploaded, and therefore GF not having any "built-in" way of restricting upload file size. (I look forward to the mentioned Flash-based solution in the future...)
So, the only remaining option is to set the PHP limit in my htaccess file:
php_value upload_max_filesize 50K
This works of course, and if I upload a file over 50K the file does not get written to the GF upload directory.
However, the form submits fine and the user is completely unaware that their file upload has in fact failed.
Is there anyway to catch this error (server-side, obviously) and display a validation error? Using one of the GF hooks?
If not, then I would consider this a major flaw in the current version of GF. Essentially being no way to limit upload file size (and gracefully catch the error, inform user, etc)
Is there a solution?
Thanks in advance.