Just wondering whether it was possible to change the currency from US dollars to GBP on the authorized.net add-on.
If not, can you think of any ways to overcome this problem?
Just wondering whether it was possible to change the currency from US dollars to GBP on the authorized.net add-on.
If not, can you think of any ways to overcome this problem?
You set the currency on the Form -> Settings page, and it should be used for payment gateway systems.
"Authorize.Net only supports US Dollars."
Is the message that appears underneath it. I know authorize.net does support GBP now, maybe the plugin hasn't been updated yet to reflect that?
I'll ask the developers about that.
Any information from the developers yet?
You are right. They do support CAD and GBP as well. We will be looking to add support for those as well. No timeline yet, but it is definitely something we will implement. In the meantime, you can use a few hooks to set your currency to GBP instead. Place the following lines in your theme's function.php file
You will also need to make sure that GBP is configured to be the default currency in your Authorize.net account.
Thanks, that's done the trick!