Hi there,
I have a customer that has tricky requirements for his website. I have been working with cforms so far but it looks I have reached its limits. Gravity looks great. But before I buy I need to know if it will be able to do the things below:
- create something like a checkout page showing all the date entered BEFORE actually submitting the date. think of it like when you're shopping at amazon.com and have to click another submit button before it actually sends the order.
- we need to identify customers. so i want to create a unique customer-id (maybe based on a timestamp), have it in a hidden field, that should be submitted.
now after that we can give the customer a link to a DIFFERENT form WITH that ID in it (...&customerid=xxx). gravity should be able to read that variable from the link, process it again as a hidden field and submit it again. so that way we can identify the customer when he submits the DIFFERENT form.
If there are easier methods to achieve customer identification with having them sign up for an account, I'm listening. :)
I hope that didn't sound too complicated.
If Gravity is able to do that it would be helpful if you had any ressources that may create an easier entry into that topic as I have been only working with cforms in the past.
Thanks so much!