1. Post form to site but moderated: yes
You can set the default post status for posts created by each form. You can select Pending review, Draft or Published. Draft and Pending review will both allow you to moderate them. [EDITED 9/6/11 to remove Private and add Pending review)
2. Posts can be assigned to multiple categories. Are you going to allow visitors to select the categories from a pre-defined list of categories, or are you going to select the categories and not show them to the visitor? Need more information to answer this one.
3. Images do not need to be resized. They will be resized upon upload when they are added to the media gallery.
4. No issues with form on a password protected page. Here's a form on a password protected page: http://gravity.chrishajer.com/story-submission/ (password is gravity)
5. survey: there are no built in survey reports or totals or anything like that. You can export the entries and analyze them in Excel or equivalent. Reporting functions are being considered for the future.
That said, you can accomplish nearly anything with the built in hooks. You can pull out the data and manipulate it in whatever way you want. It's just not built in.
6. Not familiar with wp-members. But if a form is on a page that is restricted, the form won't show. If you're talking about protecting posts created by Gravity Forms, once Gravity Forms is done, the post is just a normal WordPress post. So access controls work normally there. I don't think there will be a problem restricting access to either forms or posts created by Gravity Forms.
Please ask if you need additional assistance making your decision. After you purchase, you'll have more access to existing solutions (posted in these forums) which have customized Gravity Forms in many interesting ways.
Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday September 6, 2011 |