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Classified ads site

  1. Let me know if the User Registration Add On would allow me to do this.

    -User comes to the site
    -fills out information about themselves (address, phone, email)
    -this info gets stored in a database (or likely as a wordpress user)
    -next, in a new form they add information about a book they want to sell (as a post)
    -this gets shown as a post to other users
    -the user could then add a second or third book without having to type their address again
    -finally, through the back end, I could print a list of all of the books a specific user has for sale and total the cost

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday June 30, 2011 | Permalink
  2. anyone?

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday July 22, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Most of what you described should be possible if you configure things correctly. In order to pre-populate fields in a form such as their address then this would have to be data that was stored as user meta when they register. So you'd have to understand how to user custom user meta.

    It's not going to let you print a list of all the books a specific user has for sale and total the cost. That is specialized functionality that it isn't going to do. All it is going to handle is the form creation, user registration and post creation side of things. You may have to make customizations or tweak how you do things to work with the features that are available.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday July 22, 2011 | Permalink