I have been asked to come up with a multi-page (or Ajax show/hide fields) booking form that will be emailed to my customer:
Page one collects email and phone number etc and NUMBER OF GUESTS from 1-15 in a drop down.
Dependant on the NUMBER OF GUESTS, the second page of the form will collect personal information in separate sections for each guest.
Therefore, if you choose 3 guests on the first page, you will have 3 sections on the second page for the guests names and other info like "Do you have any food allergies?" etc; one section for each guest.
I've done multi-page forms before using a PHP script called Form Processor Pro but if I use it for this particular conditional application, I will have to create fifteen separate 'Page Two's', so as not to have a single page with fifteen separate sections which would be a lot to scoll through if you only have one or two guests...just to get to the submit button on the bottom.
If this plugin can handle my particular need then I'm installing Wordpress and buying Gravity. Can it?