I have a couple of questions about Gravity Forms features
1) I want to collect information about customer's health details and need to show more detailed questions depending on the value they selected. For example:
Which of the following conditions do you currently have?
_ Diabetes
(If someone tick 'Diabetes', display the following questions, otherwise hide them)
When was it diagnosed? ____
_ Heart problem
(If someone tick 'Heart problem', display the following questions, otherwise hide them)
Have you ever had heart attack? Yes/No
(Further detailed question, only shown when the person tick 'Yes')
When did you have the heart attack? ___
… etc
2) Can these sub-questions displayed in a form group which has custom style, e.g. use border for the group, use indentation, etc.
3) Can I use my own CSS for the form? How about formatting the notification email whenever someone submit the form?
4) Can I search using any fields? E.g. search people who has diabetes, search people who has diabetes AND heart problem, etc