I need to create some leave request functionality for one of my sites and I was wondering if gravity forms would be a viable solution.
I need to create a form that allows a user to submit a request with beginning and end dates, leave type, leave status, a notes field and supervisor, while determining the email of the logged in user.
Once they submit an entry, I need to be able to write a function that will email the supervisor, the submitter and another user, display entries for that supervisor based upon what status they are in and allow the supervisor to change the status of an entry. Upon editing the entry, I need to be able to send emails to 3 separate parties and the content will vary depending upon the leave status submitted. The emails will need to be able to display values from the entry that triggered the email.
Is this something that is possible with gravity forms? Is it possible with extensive custom function writing, or with a more moderate amount of function writing?