I am building a project at Webbhostr.com where I am working with a large number of custom fields and I wonder if Gravity Forms would work with custom fields?
I am building a project at Webbhostr.com where I am working with a large number of custom fields and I wonder if Gravity Forms would work with custom fields?
If you are referring to post custom fields, yes. There is a Post Custom Field field type that you can use when creating a post using Gravity Forms. You can add as many of these to your form as you would like. When adding the Custom Field you simply set what the custom field key is and then the value is created by the user submission.
Sounds great.
Is it possible to create custom forms outside the form editor?
I have 5 different sets of input fields (The companies will be able to input information regarding their hosting services) and since not all companies use all input fields I would like to add tabs so they can pick the correct sets rather than have it stretch into a very long page with all sets on top of eachother?
Currently this is not possible. You would have to create a form for each of the different sets that you need, and then implement the tabbing functionality in a theme template file. It won't do this out of the box.
So I can add several forms into one big through a custom template then? Will I then be able to bring all that information into one post? That sounds to good to be true ;)
Yea, unfortunately it is too good to be true. Each of the forms would create it's own post, so they wouldn't combine to create a single post.
It sounds like you need conditional logic which is a feature we plan on adding in the future.
If there was a way to include HTML into the form it could be done the way I want...just to include a starting div and a closing div where I want the form to create a tab, then I can have the rest of the code in the page itself...I guess there is no form option that could be used in that way though?
This isn't currently possible. We plan on updating the plugin soon to enable inserting HTML in the field labels and descriptions, although this might get dicey. You would have to really think out how to do the code.
Conditional logic and multipage forms are two of the features we plan on adding in the future, it sounds like once those are available you could use them to accomplish what you want to do.
One easy way to do it is to add a field that just parses out the content as a string. That way I, for example, could use it by placing one above and one below the area I want to wrap inside a div with the starting div in the first block and the closing tag in the second one, or add the starting code for the second area in the same block :)
So I can have:
input 1: input field 1
input 2: input field 2
<custom content which include starting div>
input 3: input field 3
<custom content which include closing div>
input 4: input field 4
Does that make sense?