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Custom post with conditional check

  1. emagineit

    Hi,I have planned to purchase Gravity as it seems to lemme bypass all the hassles of integrating custom post type with TDO along with members plugin as most of what I want comes out of this plugin out of the box.
    Long story short I just want to clarify two doubts I have.
    I'm gonna use

    Doubt One:I have read in other pre-sale question you are gonna release one of similar type later this year which would be even better.Any idea when it would be and would be available for non-developer license holders?(I'm planning to buy multi license).

    Doubt Two:First I should describe the scenario:
    Say I have a custom post type(hierarchical) called 'XYZ'
    In my form I will have two options.'New XYZ' & 'Update XYZ'
    When author will select 'New XYZ',it will work normally and after submission create a new post of XYZ type.
    BUT When he will select option 'Update XYZ',it will give them a dropdown with list of all parent posts(XYZ type) created by 'him'(the very author) previously and after submission it will create a child post under the parent posts selected.
    Is it possible without changing the core if not out of the box?Will help be available while I will try to customize the form to work this way?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Many thanks in advance for your answer.

    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday March 6, 2011 | Permalink
  2. 1) When we release our custom post type/taxonomy add-on it will be Developer License only as all our Add-Ons. They introduce increased complexity and therefore increase support which is why they are a Developer only feature. We do plan on making some Add-Ons available to Multi-Site License holders, but the more advanced Add-Ons will continue to be Developer Only.

    2) Virtually anything is possible without changing the core code if not out of the box. Gravity Forms has a large number of hooks and filters that make virtually any customization possible.

    I haven't tried the Custom Post Type Add-On that you referenced, but our lead developer has been in touch with it's developers and provided input on the best way to do things so it was built using our API hooks/filters so it was created properly and from what i've heard the developer is going to continue improving it so it is certainly a viable Add-On to use and will probably continue getting better.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday March 7, 2011 | Permalink
  3. emagineit

    Hi,thanks for the reply.I have realized that in no circumstances right now I'll be using it in more than three sites of my own.So i'm not finding it economical to buy the Dev license right now,however there are opportunities for me to use this one for few client specific needs.
    So my questions are,if I buy the developer license and use in client sites,would those sites be entitled to support?
    What if I buy multi site license now and go for a dev license.Any option of upgrading to dev one by paying the difference or I will have to pay full?
    Many thanks for your answers in advance.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday March 8, 2011 | Permalink
  4. @emagineit You can use it on client sites and those sites could receive updates. However, your clients wouldn't receive support from us. Only the license holder (you) can contact us for support or access support resources.

    If you purchase a Single Site License or Multi-Site License you can upgrade at anytime to a Developer License by contacting us for an upgrade coupon code. When 1.5 is release you will be able to upgrade right from WordPress without having to request a coupon code. You will receive a discount based on the cost of your existing license.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday March 8, 2011 | Permalink
  5. tushar

    Hey @Carl : I've purchase the devloper edition of Gravity forms and would like to know about

    Let's say : I have created custom taxtonomies name as location and once user select any feild
    for example : New york- it should create page related with that.

    Secondly if somethings in the form which is not register then it should also create the complete tag.

    It would be great if you can suggest some tutorial -which will go through the complete process of registering taxonomies and post types -then it would be great.


    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday May 7, 2013 | Permalink