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Customer Database and profiles

  1. robbouncer

    Does your product itself or with other plug-ins capable of doing this. And if so how?

    1. Place order using gravity form
    2. redirected to paypal to process payment
    3. redirected from paypal to user registration once payment finalised
    4. Send a customised email to the customer depending on the purchase
    5. Log in/ Log Out capabilities
    6. A "My Profile" that the customer can see with their details, that is editable (that they entered in step 3)
    7. A "My products" section where there products are listed only after the paypal payment is recieved

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday February 4, 2013 | Permalink
  2. 1. Yes

    2. Yes, with the PayPal Standard plugin

    3. You can do this, but normally registration is handled before payment. You could return them to your registration page after payment though, if you want to. You may need the User Registration add-on if you want to customize your registration process.

    4. Yes

    5. Log in/Log out is handled by WordPress, not Gravity Forms. The User Registration add-on will help register a WordPress user. Once that account is created, WordPress handles all user log in and log out.

    6. If you collect details from the customer when they create their account, with the User Registration add-on, you can display all those details on their profile page, and they can edit their own profile page. However, this is not handled by Gravity Forms. Extended the user profile is explained in great detail here by Justin Tadlock

    The 1.5 beta release of the User Registration add-on has the ability to update a user profile as well, so, you could use that to load the details which were initially entered, and allow the user to update their profile that way as well. With one of the two approaches you could allow the user to edit their data.

    7. This is not a feature of Gravity Forms. It could be accomplish with custom programming, but it's not a feature and not included in Gravity Forms.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday February 4, 2013 | Permalink
  3. robbouncer

    Fantastic response :)

    1. In regards to having the user registration before the paypal payment, could you set it up so that a confirmation email isnt sent to me and the user is not registered if they do not complete the payment when re-directed to paypal.

    2. With regards to the "My Products" page do you know of any plug-ins that would cater for this? Or do you think that it can be added to the user's details and just displayed on a separate page.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday February 4, 2013 | Permalink
  4. 1. You can choose the send the email only after payment is received.

    2. I don't know of any plugins that can do that. You could probably code something custom to list all form entries that a specific user made, on their profile page. I'm not sure how much work that would be, but all the information is available by user ID, so you could pull it out and display it, along with details. If you want to hire help for this part, you can always post something on the job board.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday February 5, 2013 | Permalink
  5. Hi Chris,

    After reading the link in post #2, I'm a bit confused on how to populate data from the database. This is data that was created using the GF user registration plugin with custom fields (i.e. business_name).

    Would it be most advisable to just create a new page with a "Profile" Form that updates the user information on submit? I guess that I'm just trying to verify that I'm going down the right road (still looking for how to update the user data).

    Thanks for your help and great posts!

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday February 26, 2013 | Permalink
  6. Would it be most advisable to just create a new page with a "Profile" Form that updates the user information on submit?

    Yes, that's what I would do. Be sure you are using the 1.5beta version of the User Registration add-on to get access to the "Update" user feature.

    I have a later version of the User Registration add-on available which fixes some additional bugs. If you would like that copy, please send an email to and reference this topic. Thank you.

    We're going to have to close this topic and open a new one soon since you're already purchased a developer license, or we can move this one to the regular support forums and we'll continue support there.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday February 26, 2013 | Permalink