It's still early days yet for me and Gravity Forms but I wanted to jump in and register just how impressed I am to date.
I switched to GF from "free" competition mostly because of the user interface = intuitive, pleasant looking and it WORKED. I could also see from a quick look here at the Forum that support requests did not languish for days and weeks without some response.
Well, I recently asked a question about how to automatically clear the pre-populated contents of a field -- I wasn't sure if this was something that GF could do or not. In very quick order, actually faster than I was managing to log back in, Carl Hancock had answered my post -- turned out clearing the fields was something that GF did NOT do. And then he figured out HOW to DO it, and posted a jquery script in the company blog AND came back to my Forum thread and told me where to go to see the new information and start clearing my form fields.
And then when I was too ignorant to know exactly how/where to insert a jquery script (?? jquerty?? me ??? ), Kevin, GF admin, jumped in and, step by step, pretty much gave me the "101" on the what and where of calling jquery libraries from within your WordPress installation least as much I needed know.
Sometimes I actually prefer to pay for software: Believe me, I love the Wonderful World of WordPress and fully appreciate the warmth and fuzziness of free and open source software. But unfortunately, a one-person developer who posts a really neat plugin to help his fellow man does not have much on-going incentive to keep his plugin uptodate with the latest version of WordPress, re-solve conflicts with other clever plugins or continue to answer the same "stupid" support questions over and over.