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Customize GF or UserReg to httpost to remote location

  1. ab

    Anyone know how to customize either GF or GFUserRegistration so that after the form is submitted, it gathers the fields and can instantly send a http post to a remote location in order to also send/store info outside wordpress itself.

    Just need to insert something that can efficiently send a post like normal, httppost.php?name=john&lastname=jennings&phone=5555551234 etc

    Im not sure whether this is the proper area to receive support or help with this task.

    Thanks for the help this will be helpful for others looking to post form data elsewhere.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday April 22, 2011 | Permalink
  2. You would use the gform_post_submission hook which has access to the Entry object containing the form entry data. You would have to write custom PHP using this hook to interact with the remote database or api.

    Here is a forum post that discusses their usage:

    Here is documentation on the gform_post_submission hook:

    Here is documentation on the Entry object:

    You would write custom code using these and place them in your themes functions.php file to execute them.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday April 22, 2011 | Permalink