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Display list of forms submitted by a user?

  1. discofuel

    Can this plugin display information on a user's profile page in regards to forms they have submitted?

    e.g. if I have set up a number of competition entry forms, on the user's profile can I display the entries they've submitted?

    Your Competition Entries
    Competition 2 - Entry submitted 02/10/2012
    Competition 1 - Entry submitted 02/09/2012

    And if they have made purchases can I display purchase history in the same manner?

    Your Purchase History
    This product - $50 - Purchased on 02/10/2012
    Another product - $50 - Purchased on 02/09/2012


    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 10, 2012 | Permalink
  2. discofuel

    Also - using the same information if a user has already submitted an form to enter a competition, can I display a message saying "You have already submitted an entry to this competition".

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 10, 2012 | Permalink
  3. You can retrieve this information, but it is not going to happen without some work. It's not built in to Gravity Forms. Here is one explanation of how to extend the user profile:

    You could use a similar procedure to modify the page. Before doing that, you would need to retrieve and aggregate the data in a format that works best for you.

    Posted 13 years ago on Saturday February 18, 2012 | Permalink