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Displaying form results in the single post page

  1. qzha017

    Hi Rocketgeniuses, can Gravity Form make the submitted results displayed in the authors single post page? Lets say I want to let the client upload a listing, can his selected results (ie options to the questions) be displayed in his single post page for him and others to view (lets say only he the author of that post and admins can edit or remove).

    Do I have to change the results to show as entries and move them to the post page? if so how do I do it, any tutorial vids?
    Or do I have to manually code and loop the theme's function.php (or which ever file) to achieve this?


    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday October 28, 2012 | Permalink
  2. You can create a post with your form submission. Does that accomplish what you want to do?

    The entries are designed to be viewed by an administrator on the site only, not by the form submitter or any other visitors.

    The Gravity Forms Directory add-on might be closer to what you want to do. It was not created by us and is not supported by us, but it is available for download here:

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday October 28, 2012 | Permalink
  3. qzha017

    yeah I wanted to create a post with a form for the user to submit (so when users submits the form the result will automatically be displayed on his post page), it would show on his single post page like how you would see when you retrieve and display those custom taxonomies, and if I would to click on one of the custom taxonomies (say location) it would display all posts that belongs to the custom taxonomy location.

    And if I would to search in the sidebar for a specific location, all post will be filtered to my search criteria?

    Can all that be done?

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday October 28, 2012 | Permalink
  4. Custom Taxonomies are not built in but are available with a 3rd party Gravity Forms / Custom Post Types plugin:

    Gravity Forms will capture whatever information you want, but displaying it an ensuring it shows up in search results will all be up to you. It can be done, but what you're looking to do will require some integration with other plugins (like the Custom Post Types one I mentioned) and possibly some custom code. You can use Gravity Forms to help you, but Gravity Forms won't be able to do everything.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday October 29, 2012 | Permalink