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Does GF do what I want it to do?

  1. I have put together a somewhat kludgy process for people to submit me a few items for me to create a final product out of it. I don't like the way it works and thing that GF might do what I need but I haven't been able to tell.

    Most of this I believe is doable with GF, but these are the needs that I have, could someone confirm for me:

    1. Multi-page form
    2. The ability to select from a list of images (this is the main one I'm not sure GF can do)
    3. The ability to select from a list of items with a lot of text in them (poems - is there a limit to the # characters that can be in a field they select from?)
    4. The ability to include an image that they upload
    5. The ability to email me the information that they selected and uploaded in the previous steps
    6. The ability to add a few optional customizations to the final product
    7. Capturing their contact info
    8. If purchasing the developer option, to integrate with PayPal, how does that work? At the moment, I have it set up for people to send an optional donation. Is that possible? Is it also possible to add a price to some of the selected items, say, if some of the customization options did cost?

    Does GF give you a progress bar for multiple page forms?

    You can see what I've cobbled together using 3 different plugins here, and I really don't like the way it came out, so I'm hoping maybe this will simplify matters:

    Thanks for your help!

    Posted 13 years ago on Sunday January 22, 2012 | Permalink
  2. I looked at the form you linked and I believe Gravity Forms can do all that. Please ask though if you have any more questions. Thank you. Here are some specific answers to some of your questions though.

    1. Multi-page form


    2. The ability to select from a list of images (this is the main one I'm not sure GF can do)

    Select an image, then what happens? You can use HTML in your form, so you can include images. And there are ways to use images as your radio buttons or check boxes, but I am wondering what you mean by this exactly.

    3. The ability to select from a list of items with a lot of text in them (poems - is there a limit to the # characters that can be in a field they select from?)

    If you mean a select box with a lot of text, that might be a limitation of the browser. The drop down select box form controls are rendered by the browser. However, I can see a need for you to display a lot of text, and allow the visitor to select that text by clicking a radio button or check box. You can do this.

    4. The ability to include an image that they upload

    Include it where? You can allow the visitor to submit images to you, and you can also use that image in a post if you choose to do that.

    5. The ability to email me the information that they selected and uploaded in the previous steps

    Yes. Notifications are built in.

    6. The ability to add a few optional customizations to the final product

    Yes, I think, but please clarify this more and I will give you a more comprehensive answer.

    7. Capturing their contact info


    8. If purchasing the developer option, to integrate with PayPal, how does that work? At the moment, I have it set up for people to send an optional donation. Is that possible?

    You can require payment after the form is submitted when using the PayPal add-on. You can allow optional user-defined amounts as well.

    Is it also possible to add a price to some of the selected items, say, if some of the customization options did cost?

    Yes, product fields have prices, then option fields modify the price (by adding to the price.) So, this is built in as well.

    Does GF give you a progress bar for multiple page forms?

    Yes, it's built in, and several visual styles are available.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday January 30, 2012 | Permalink