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eCheck Bug in PHP SDK included in GF's add-on

  1. tex77

    I found a small bug in the AIM API PHP SDK (which is included in the GravityForms Add-on) related to eChecks. I know GF does not actually provide eCheck functionality, but i'm working on a custom implementation.

    In plugins/gravityformsauthorizenet/api/lib/AuthorizeNetAIM.php, line 290 uses the wrong php variable:
    'bank_acct_name' => $bank_acct_type,
    should be
    'bank_acct_name' => $bank_acct_name,

    This bug causes the AuthNet Merchant Interface to display "CHECKING" (the bank_acct_type) in the field intended for bank_acct_name. Maybe not a big deal, but could cause problems for merchants.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday February 7, 2013 | Permalink
  2. That error is coming directly from the files provides. You can download a copy here and take a look: (PHP SDK)

    You might want to report that issue to as it is unrelated to Gravity Forms and nothing we can fix. Good catch.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday February 7, 2013 | Permalink

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