I understand, reading some enterys abowe, that with gravitform users without bakend access cant edit forms posts they have made with gravityforms. (?) But can i use plugins like this: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/front-end-editor/
I understand, reading some enterys abowe, that with gravitform users without bakend access cant edit forms posts they have made with gravityforms. (?) But can i use plugins like this: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/front-end-editor/
There are plans to add front end editing to Gravity Forms, possibly in 1.7. 1.6 is a release candidate now, so 1.7 won't be available for a while.
If you create normal posts with Gravity Forms, and require the user to be logged in, and this plugin can allow a logged in user to edit their own posts, then this will work. The post that is created by Gravity Forms is just a normal post. So any tools that work with posts will work for posts created by Gravity Forms.
I'm inclined to say it will work, but I don't have any first hand experience with it.
! will be releasing a plugin here next week that will do exactly that and a ton more, even deleting a post. Keep an eye on the forums or (@p51labs on twitter for the release).
Thanks Kevin.