GF with the user registration able to do this 1-3?
1. User registers via GF.
2. User receives email notification with a link to click on to activate account.
3. User clicks on the link, account activated.
James Tan
GF with the user registration able to do this 1-3?
1. User registers via GF.
2. User receives email notification with a link to click on to activate account.
3. User clicks on the link, account activated.
James Tan
Currently the User Registration Add-On doesn't support email validation with a link to activate the account like you have described. It is, however, a feature we plan on adding. The User Registration Add-On is still very young and there are a bunch of features we plan on adding such as user moderation/approval and the email to activate feature you described. So it isn't supported right now, but it is a feature we plan on adding in the future.
Hi Carl...
As always thanks for the great development work being done... the user registration add-on is terrific!
For my development planning purposes, do you have any sense as to when the moderation/approval enhancements are to be released? Would you say days, weeks or months away?
thx... dave
Probably a couple months. Our Developer that works on the User Registration Add-On is returning from a month long trip this week and will be returning to work on Monday. So after that we will probably do some planning on what he will be working on. Until we do that I don't have a good idea of when it would be done.
Thanks.... I fully understand.
While I'm waiting perhaps there is something I can use as a workaround. ie... is there a way to identify a user in the GF entry table and send them a "welcome" email? Of perhaps identify a user in the WP User list and send them an email?
I'm going to use GF to register users with a specific role and then manually change that role on a person by person basis. When I change the role in the WP user table, I want to trigger an email indicating that the user's role has been changed. Therefore this manual process will act as the approval/moderation step.
Any ideas?
thx... dave
Hi Carl,
thanks for the roadmap.
Hi Dave,
thanks a lot for expressing similar requirements that I have right now, esp if there's any workaround to code the activation email.
Look forward to inputs from Carl's team.
James Tan
This feature would be such an amazing add on. It would help prevent spammers and sploggers from registering for the site. Even captchas don't work because people in poor countries are now paid to circumvent captchas. ugh.
Is there anywhere we can vote for this feature to be added? This would be a great addition.
Any more development on this?
Hi Carl - I second @Sascha, any more news on this?
We'd like to implement this as a feature in the User Registration Add-On in the future, however we are currently working on other development.
+1 on email activation
+1 on BuddyPress 1.5 activation
+1 on this, would be great to have.
Does the email activation on User Registration add-on is available already? I badly need it. Or can somebody suggest an alternative way to do this, let say another plugin to integrate with GF something like that?
It is not yet available, but the feature is being added and will be available in the next release. I don't know of another plugin that integrates well and makes this possible.
+1 for this feature. Waiting.
Thanks for the feedback guys. This is the next feature being added to the User Registration add-on.
Great to hear this is being added, a really useful improvement indeed.
Is user moderation also still in the pipeline? (as mentioned here: http://www.gravityhelp.com/forums/topic/must-determine-before-purchase)
The ability to approve/deny users is in the pipeline.
Great, badly need it too !
Just wanted to show my support for this feature.
In the mean time, does anyone know if a plugin like Sabre (Simple Anti Bot Registration Engine) will provide the same result?
Link: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/sabre/