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email subscription to post category and post tags

  1. Hi,

    For my site,, I want to let users subscribe to the post category or post tags. That is under every post there will be a subscription form with choices to select from categories and tags attached to that post. Very similar to this page: popsugar alert
    Just scroll down and look for the section "popsugar alert".

    I have searched a lot, bit couldn't find resource or plugin that can help me.

    Best will be the form will be added in the edit post page with the default categories and tags, and editor should have a choice to include or exclude manually.

    Can I achieve this with gravity forms?

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday January 16, 2013 | Permalink
  2. I'm not sure how you could accomplish that. It's possible you could have an RSS feed for a tag or category, then you could use Feedburner or some other RSS to Email service to send out the email messages. I'm not sure how Gravity Forms would be involved though. This is not something that Gravity Forms was designed to do.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday January 16, 2013 | Permalink