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Excel Results

  1. elpaulli

    I have searched the pre-purchased forums and think I have have a good idea, but I just want to follow up and make sure, before purchase. So when you export the results to a spread sheet, each question will be or form will be sorted into their own column and value? Would it be possible to see an example of what the exported form results would look like in excel?


    Posted 13 years ago on Monday November 21, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Gravity Forms doesn't export to an Excel spreadsheet file. It exports to a CSV file, which is a comma delimited file. You then import that CSV file into Excel, Google Spreadsheets, or any other application that supports CSV import.

    CSV is a comma delimited list of the field values for that entry. The field names are output as the CSV headers for each column. When you import it into Excel or Google Spreadsheets it does create a column for each field.

    There isn't really much to see as far as an example goes. A CSV file basically looks like this:

    form field name1, form field name2, form field name3, form field name4
    field value1, field value2, field value4, field value 4
    field value1, field value2, field value4, field value 4
    field value1, field value2, field value4, field value 4
    field value1, field value2, field value4, field value 4

    When you import the CSV into Excel or other Spreadsheet app it then creates a columns and rows out of the data above. Each line is a row, each column is the list of values delimited by a comma. Excel, Google Spreadsheets, etc. knows how to import a CSV so that it takes this data and produces a spreadsheet out of it with columns, rows and values.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday November 21, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Hi,

    I'm running into an issue with my form where users have inputted commas in a text box on my form and so when i export and then import into excel the columns get messed up. with past forms I solved this by using a pipe limiter. is there any way i can do that with gravity forms?

    Thanks for your help,

    Oh wait, i just realized the problem is returns or something and that was mentioned in another posting. i'll try to solve from that.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday March 19, 2013 | Permalink
  4. David Peralty

    You can change the separator using the following hook:

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday March 19, 2013 | Permalink