Hi guys, first off congrats with an awesome product! :)
Here's my feature request:
I'm currently implementing a design which gets broken because of the way GravityForms output the form. The "gform_field_content" field content is great, and I was able to do what I needed with it - however when GravityForm outputs what it gets from there inside a list it would break the layout (my form is a combination of a one and a two column layout based on the width of the fields).
So, it would be great to be able to modify the ul/li template.
Right now I have fixed this with a core hack on line 611 in form_display.php where I change the ul to a div tag. Also inside the get_field() function on line 1713 aprox, I'm just retuning get_field_content() without wrapping it inside an li tag.